We THANK YOU for donating your “Time”, serving at our Eucharistic Adoration Chapel! Please review the Adoration Schedule to identify time periods where help is needed. Please select your Commitment frequency (Once, Weekly or Monthly) and for recurring commitments, select an end date or leave as Perpetual.
If a conflict arises with a scheduled commitment in the future, you can request a SUBSITUTE as follows:
Simply click the top box named “Dashboard” and scroll down to “My Commitments” on the left side of the page. Your specific dates and times are listed (click “Show more dates” to expand the listing)
Click the button “Request Substitute” for any date/time that doesn’t work for you, after which an email/text will be sent to everyone on the substitute list!
An email or text will be sent to you when the substitute is found for your date/time.
Please request a substitute at least 24 hours before you are unavailable – but IF an emergency arises, and you don’t have a 2nd person in your hour, please contact Ellen Sullivan, our Parish Coordinator at 843-237-3428 - Thank you and God Bless.